There may be no other tool in the deep recesses of the average toolchest or EDC rotation that is as invaluable as the multi-tool. And there is one brand that shines above the rest (in my mind) – Leatherman. I have for years had a Leatherman within reach. My first one was handed down from my grandfather, and I used that thing to scratch off hundreds of honey-do-list tasks over the years.
The next Leatherman I carried regularly was the original Juice S2. I loved this little guy, and you can watch my full review here from a few years ago. I traded this back to its original owner for sentimental reasons (but I want to be written into your will, you know who you are!).
For a while I’ve been meaning to replace the Juice S2 with a larger tool. When I saw the Leatherman Charge+ G10 pop up on a Discord group I’m in, I decided it was time. This particular model is a limited edition G10 model – specifically a color called “Earth” (effectively black). These were released through big box outdoor shops and apparently became somewhat collectible.

Over the first two weeks of owning the Charge+, I found myself carrying it more and more often as my sole carry knife. It’s not particularly lightweight at 8oz, but with the pocket clip installed it really is quite handy as a carry option for days when you need a few extra tools in the pocket. One of the best features, in my opinion, is the open thumb hole on the exterior knife – it really makes the whole tool feel just like a pocket knife, with quick and easy access to the primary blade when you pull it out of your pocket.
The S30V steel was another big selling point for me, and it has not disappointed. This is a steel I would like to see on more knives, and to be honest I much prefer it to the S35VN and S45VN on my beloved CRK’s. After months of use, it’s holding a very nice, sharp edge.

I won’t go in depth on the individual tools, as there are plenty of more detailed individuals who have done that. I really enjoy the tool set, particularly the ability to swap out bits in both larger and smaller sizes. Let’s be honest, the screwdriver is the thing we all use the most on multi-tools, and with a full bit set, this thing is super practical. I have been surprised at how often I reach for the Charge+ just to use the *very* small flat or Phillips head bit – something left off of many multi-tools.
My only gripes with the Charge+ G10 have to do with the metal coating of this particular model and the wobbliness of the pocket clip. I am generally not a DLC/coated blade guy, and it’s particular frustrating for me on this Charge+. Aesthetically, it’s just not “me”, but it also wears very quickly. This is a relatively new tool, and you’ll notice a lot of bare metal shining through in the video. Secondly, the pocket clip moves a ton, and as a knife guy this is extremely frustrating. Overall it’s a fantastic clip, but they need to figure out a way to make it easily removable while still keeping it firmly in place.
All in all, this is a huge carry for me. I love it, and the only way I would get rid of it is to trade it for a non-coated Charge+. If you have one you want to trade, hit me up in the comments!